21 Day Journey of Embracing Fresh Attitudes & Focused Habits for Real Life Change




Is Meet the New You a book about life change from a biblical perspective?

Yes, absolutely. The premise of the book is built off two key verses: 2 Corinthians 10:5, which teaches us to take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ and Romans 12:2, to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. The application of these verses is the focus of Meet the New You, with each chapter considering an “attitude” or mindset that needs to be refreshed according to Scripture and lived out with a focused new habit.


Is it really possible to change in 21 days?

While there may be one habit that can be totally transformed in 21 days, it’s much more likely that it will take longer than that for a habit to really stick. Meet the New You is not a promise of total transformation in 21 days — rather it’s the start of the process through providing a life-change inventory that can be read over 21 days. The chapters are short intentionally, so that getting the big picture of your life is possible within one month . . . and experience the grace to miss a few days of reading too. Each day’s reading is short, however, the exercises and questions for reflection may tempt you to take a number of days to complete each chapter. There’s definitely no reason to rush the process.


Is Meet the New You a life coaching book?

Well, yes and no. While you won’t discover how to be a life coach, you might want to embrace the training when you’re done. Through reading this book, but you will benefit from the types of techniques and skills used in life coaching, such as considering your core beliefs and values as well as how to hone in on a vision with practical, submitted-to-God steps of faith. You’ll also experience the benefits of being able to answer open-ended questions instead of being told what to do. That’s because coaching is about enabling the client to come up the solution . . . because then they will own the outcome more fully.


For those who are unfamiliar with a life coach, what is the difference between a life coach and a counselor?

Great question! Life coaching is the process of coming alongside a client who feels stuck and enabling them to find a solution through an ask-answer-discuss process. A coach doesn’t tell a client what to do. Instead, a coach asks open-ended questions to help a client discover their “ah-ha” solution. As Christians, this process is bathed in prayer and in seeking the Holy Spirit’s leading.

In contrast to counseling, a coach works with a person who is an emotionally stable place and is ready to build forward, much like working with an architect, whereas a counselor is more like an archaeologist who is trained to go in for the dig and uncover elements of the past or present challenges that prevent a stable foundation from forming. A counselor would help with addictions, traumas, and mental illness, where a coach would focus on vision and skills pertaining to personal development, relationships, and business.


How do you incorporate your life coaching techniques in your book?

I incorporate life coaching techniques in the book through seeking to provide a principle in each chapter followed by a thought-provoking exercise and opportunity to reflect personally on the content. Each chapter concludes with a Trap & Transform exercise and questions very similar to what I would use in working with a client.

What are the five phases of coaching that you walk through with your readers to help them in their journey of transformation?

 The book is divided into five phases, or sections, which follows the pattern I use with my coaching clients:

  • Awareness: Where are you at today? How did you get here? What’s working? What’s not working?
  • Assessment: What are your strengths, talents, gifts, learning style, and passions, and how do all those pieces of your God-given wiring impact your life?
  • Obstacles:  What’s standing in the way of living the best life God has called you to?
  • Solutions:  What steps can you and should you take in moving forward?
  • Vision: What are you dreams for the future? What hopes do you need to lay before the Lord? What does it look like to join Him in His work? What is your personal mission statement and goals?


What kinds of topics are discussed in Meet the New You?

The book is grouped into five key areas lining up with the phases of life coaching: Awareness, Assessment, Obstacles, Solutions, and Vision. Within each of these areas, the daily chapters consider a wide range of topics, such as:

  • Discovering Your God-given Wiring
  • Uncovering Boundaries
  • Time Management
  • Your Life Story
  • Walking in Forgiveness
  • Setting Priorities
  • Cultivating a Relationship with God
  • Embracing Mentoring Relationships
  • Making Room for Margin
  • and more . . .

One of the key techniques you use to help people embrace fresh attitudes and focused habits is “trap and transform.” Please explain.

The Trap & Transform Principle is built off two key verses. Trap comes from 2 Corinthians 10:5, in which we’re instructed to take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ. Transform comes from Romans 12:2, in which we’re instructed that we’ll be transformed by the renewing of our minds. The process of applying the Trap & Transform Principle is simply this:  Take every thought – every emotional response and every attitude – and line it up with Scripture. When our beliefs are consistent with Word and transformed by leading of the Holy Spirit, then our habits . . . and thereby our lives. . . will also experience the change we crave. Essentially, our thinking lays the foundation for our living, so when we want to change on the outside, we have to deal with what’s on the inside – our hearts and minds.

What is your goal for women to get out of your book?

I have two goals: One, I’d like to see women discover the areas of their life that they need to focus on seeking God for His transformative work, especially as they move beyond feeling “as is” and realize that He who began a good work in them will bring it to completion. Two, I’d be thrilled if women would catch a vision for how their personal transformation has the power to radically impact those in their sphere of influence, and in particular the next generation. A woman transformed by a fresh encounter with God is a powerful testimony.

Is Meet the New You a good book for a Book Club or Bible Study?

Yes, Meet the New You is great for groups! The short chapters divided into five sections allows for the book to be read as a group over a 6 week commitment, with the first week devoted to introduction and getting to know each other in the group and the remaining 5 weeks spent discussing the content of each of the phases. The questions included at the end of each day’s reading are designed not only for personal reflection but also for group discussion. If the book is to be used for a Bible Study, I would recommend spending time reading the key Scripture passages in context of each chapter each day and pulling out one of those passage for a focus during the group time together. If you would like a leader’s guide and additional resources, click over here.

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